Freelancing Rates (USD)
Hourly Rate
$30 per hour
Monthly Rate
$5000 per Month
Project-Based Pricing
Custom pricing based on project requirements
Website Development Pricing
Basic Websites
- Up to 5 pages (maximum of 4 basic blocks per page)
- Responsive design
- 2-days development timeline
Advanced & E-Commerce Websites
- Up to 10 pages
- Custom design and features
- 4-days development timeline
Note: The website development prices presented are intended to provide a general understanding. Final pricing and timelines are determined by the specific scope and features of each project.
Web Application Development Pricing
Basic CRUD Modules
- Create, Read, Update, Delete functionality
- Standard data management features
- 2-days development timeline
User Management Systems
- User Management Module
- Role-based access control
- User permissions management module
- 4-5 days development timeline
Note: The module price examples shown reflect varying levels of complexity. Please be aware that project setup, meetings, testing, and deployment are billed separately and will impact the overall cost and timeline.